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Cocaine is produced as a white chunky powder. It is sold most often in aluminum foil, plastic or paper packets, or small vials. Cocaine is usually chopped into a fine powder with a razor blade on a small mirror or some other hard surface, arranged into small rows called "lines," then quickly inhaled (or "snorted") through the nose with a short straw or rolled up paper money. It can also be injected into the blood stream.

Cocaine, the most potent stimulant of natural origin, is extracted from the leaves of the coca plant (Erythroxylon coca), which is indigenous to the Andean highlands of South America. It is a potent brain stimulant and one of the most powerfully addictive drugs. In ancient times, South American natives used coca for religious and medicinal purposes. They used its stimulant properties to fight fatigue and hunger, and to enhance endurance. The Spanish conquistador banned coca at first, but when they discovered that the addicted natives could barely work the fields in the gold mines without it, they began to distribute it to the workers three or four times a day.

Cocaine produces its pleasurable high by interfering with the brain’s pleasure centers where such chemicals as dopamine are produced. The drug traps an excess amount of dopamine in the brain, causing an elevated sense of well being. Cocaine acts as a stimulant to the body. In turn, the drug cause blood vessels to restrict, increases the body’s temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure, and cause the pupils to dilate. Cocaine also increases one’s breathing rate. Cocaine causes such pleasurable effects as reduced fatigue, increased mental clarity, and a rush of energy. However, the more one takes cocaine, the less one feels its pleasurable effects, which causes the addict to take higher and higher doses of cocaine in an attempt to recapture the intensity of that initial high.

In any case, a cocaine high does not last very long. The average high a user gets from snorting cocaine only lasts for 15-30 minutes. These highs are less intense, as it takes longer for the drug to be absorbed into the bloodstream when snorted. A smoking high, although more intense due to the rapidity in which the drug is absorbed into the bloodstream, lasts for an even shorter period of only about five to ten minutes. After the euphoric high comes the crashing low, in which the addict craves more of the drug and in larger doses.

There are serious health risks associated with cocaine use. These include but are not limited to:

  • Changes in blood pressure
  • Heart rates
  • Breathing rates
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Anxiety
  • Convulsions
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of appetite leading to malnutrition and weight loss
  • Cold sweats
  • Swelling and bleeding of mucous membranes
  • Restlessness and anxiety
  • Damage to nasal cavities
  • Damage to lungs
  • Possible heart attacks, strokes, or convulsions

Here are the most predominate signs of cocaine use:

  • Red, bloodshot eyes
  • Runny nose or frequent sniffing
  • Change in eating or sleeping patterns
  • Change in groups of friends
  • Change in school grades or behavior
  • Withdrawn, depressed, tired, or careless about personal appearance
  • Loss of interest in school, family, or activities
  • Frequently in need of money

amped (verb) stimulated by drugs, especially cocaine or amphetamine
bah-say freebase cocaine; cocaine paste (basuco)
banano marijuana or tobacco cigarettes laced with cocaine
base freebase cocaine
base house place for smoking freebase cocaine or crack
base pipe pipe for smoking freebase cocaine or crack
baseball freebase cocaine
baseballing smoking freebase cocaine
basuco coca paste (barely refined cocaine with adulterants)
beam me up Scottie taking an additional dose of cocaine
candycaine cocaine
candy cane cocaine
cat's pee crack cocaine
champagne of drugs cocaine hydrochloride
chasing the dragon inhaling vapors of heroin or cocaine heated on tin foil
coke bugs tactile hallucination after using cocaine which creates the illusion of bugs burrowing under the skin
crack house place where crack cocaine is sold and smoked
crack pipe pipe for smoking crack cocaine
crackers crack cocaine
dusty roads cocaine and PCP mixture for smoking
flaky addicted to cocaine
Florida snow look-alike cocaine
fluff filtering heroin or cocaine through cloth (often a stocking) to increase its apparent bulk
get your own cocaine
gutter glitter cocaine; drugs in general
heavy stuff heroin or cocaine
homer freebase cocaine
incentive cocaine
line single dose for snorting cocaine hydrochloride
Merck pharmaceutical cocaine (from the manufacturer)
Ocean Spray salt water in mister bottle used to spray nasal passages after snorting cocaine or other drugs
on the pine smoking freebase cocaine
one and one snorting cocaine using both nostrils
P.F. crack cocaine in aspirin-sized tablets as a disguise
rail single dose for snorting cocaine hydrochloride
snort cocaine
snow lights visual hallucinations after cocaine use, image of flashing bright lights
space blasting smoking cocaine and PCP together
speedball injection of heroin and cocaine mixture
speedball artist one who injects heroin and cocaine mixture
Wacky dust cocaine
weasel dust cocaine
All-American drug cocaine
Angie cocaine
Aunt Nora cocaine
Balling vaginally implanted cocaine
Barbs cocaine
Base cocaine; crack
Basuco cocaine; coca paste residue sprinkled on marijuana or regular cigarette
Bazooka cocaine; crack
Bazulco cocaine
Behind the scale to weigh and sell cocaine
Beiging chemicals altering cocaine to make it appear
Belushi cocaine and heroin
Bernice cocaine
Bernie cocaine
Bernie's flakes cocaine
Bernie's gold dust cocaine
Big bloke cocaine
Big C cocaine
Big flake cocaine
Big rush cocaine
Billie hoke cocaine
Birdie powder heroin; cocaine
Blizzard white cloud in a pipe used to smoke cocaine
Blotter LSD; cocaine
Blow cocaine; to inhale cocaine; to smoke marijuana
Blow blue to inhale cocaine
Blowcaine crack diluted with cocaine
Blow coke to inhale cocaine
Blow smoke to inhale cocaine
Blunt marijuana inside a cigar; marijuana and cocaine inside a cigar
Body packer person who ingests crack or cocaine to transport it
Bolivian marching powder cocaine
Booster to inhale cocaine
Bouncing powder cocaine
Bubble gum cocaine; crack
Bunk fake cocaine
Burese cocaine
Burnese cocaine
Bush cocaine; marijuana
C cocaine
Cjoint place where cocaine is sold
C & M cocaine and morphine
C-dust cocaine
C-game cocaine
Cabello cocaine
Caine cocaine; crack
California cornflakes cocaine
Came cocaine
Candy cocaine; crack; depressant; amphetamine
Candy C cocaine
Carnie cocaine
Carrie cocaine
Carrie Nation cocaine
Cecil cocaine
Chalked up under the influence of cocaine
Chalking chemically altering the color of cocaine so it looks white
Charlie cocaine
Chase to smoke cocaine; to smoke marijuana
Chippy cocaine
Cholly cocaine
Coca cocaine
Cocaine blues depression after extended cocaine use
Cocktail cigarette laced with cocaine or crack; partially smoked marijuana cigarette inserted in regular
Cocoa puff to smoke cocaine and marijuana
Coconut cocaine
Coke cocaine; crack
Coke bar bar where cocaine is openly used
Cola cocaine
Comeback benzocaine and mannitol used to adulterate cocaine for conversion to crack
Coolie cigarette laced with cocaine
Cork the air to inhale cocaine
Corrinne cocaine
Cotton brothers cocaine, heroin and morphine
Crack cocaine
Crystal methamphetamine; PCP; amphetamine; cocaine
Dama blanca cocaine
Do a line to inhale cocaine
Double bubble cocaine
Dream cocaine
Duct cocaine
Dust heroin; cocaine; PCP; marijuana mixed with various chemicals
Dynamite heroin and cocaine
El diablito marijuana, cocaine, heroin and PCP
El diablo marijuana, cocaine and heroin
Flake cocaine
Flame cooking smoking cocaine base by putting the pipe over a stove flame
Flamethrowers cigarette laced with cocaine and heroin
Florida snow cocaine
Foo foo stuff heroin; cocaine
Foo-foo dust cocaine
Foolish powder heroin; cocaine
Freebase smoking cocaine; crack
Freeze cocaine; renege on a drug deal
Frisco special cocaine, heroin and LSD
Frisco speedball cocaine, heroin and LSD
Friskie powder cocaine
G-rock one gram of rock cocaine
Gaffel fake cocaine
Geeze to inhale cocaine
Ghost busting smoking cocaine; searching for white particles in the belief that they are crack
Gift-of-the-sun cocaine
Gin cocaine
Girl cocaine; crack; heroin
Girlfriend cocaine
Glad stuff cocaine
Go on a sleigh ride to inhale cocaine
Gold dust cocaine
Goofball cocaine and heroin; depressant
Green gold cocaine
H & C heroin and cocaine
Half piece 1/2 ounce of heroin or cocaine
Happy dust cocaine
Happy powder cocaine
Happy trails cocaine
Have a dust cocaine
Haven dust cocaine
Heaven dust heroin; cocaine
Henry VIII cocaine
Her cocaine
Hitch up the reindeers to inhale cocaine
Hooter cocaine; marijuana
Horn to inhale cocaine; crack pipe
Horning heroin; to inhale cocaine
Hunter cocaine
Ice cocaine; methamphetamine; smokeable amphetamine; MDMA, PCP
Icing cocaine
Inca message cocaine
Jam amphetamine; cocaine
Jelly cocaine
Jim Jones marijuana laced with cocaine and PCP
Joy powder heroin; cocaine
Junk cocaine; heroin
King's habit cocaine
Lace cocaine and marijuana
Lady cocaine
Lady caine cocaine
Lady snow cocaine
Leaf marijuana; cocaine
Line cocaine
Love affair cocaine
Mama coca cocaine
Mayo cocaine; heroin
Merk cocaine
Mojo cocaine; heroin
Monkey drug dependency; cigarette made from cocaine paste and tobacco
Monos cigarette made from cocaine paste and tobacco
Mosquitos cocaine
Movie star drug cocaine
Mujer cocaine
Murder one heroin and cocaine
Nose candy cocaine
Nose stuff cocaine
Nose powder cocaine
Number 3 cocaine, heroin
One and one to inhale cocaine
Paradise cocaine
Paradise white cocaine
Pearl cocaine
Perico cocaine
Peruvian cocaine
Peruvian flake cocaine
Peruvian lady cocaine
Piece 1 ounce; cocaine; crack
Pimp cocaine
Polvo blanco cocaine
Pop to inhale cocaine
Powder diamonds cocaine
Press cocaine; crack
Primos cigarettes laced with cocaine and heroin
Quill methamphetamine; heroin; cocaine
Racehorse charlie cocaine; heroin
Rane cocaine; heroin
Ready rock cocaine; crack; heroin
Recompress change the shape of cocaine flakes to resemble "rock"
Rock(s) cocaine; crack
Roxanne cocaine; crack
Sandwich two layers of cocaine with a layer of heroin
Schmeck cocaine
Schoolboy cocaine, codeine
Scorpion cocaine
Scottie cocaine
Scotty cocaine; crack; the high from crack
Serpico 21 cocaine
Sevenup cocaine; crack
Shaker/baker/water materials needed to freebase cocaine; shakerbottle, baking soda, water
She cocaine
Smoking gun heroin and cocaine
Sniff to inhale cocaine; inhalant; methcathinone
Snort to inhale cocaine; use inhalant
Snow cocaine; heroin; amphetamine
Snowball cocaine and heroin
Snow bird cocaine
Snowcones cocaine
Snow seals cocaine and amphetamine
Snow white cocaine
Society high cocaine
Soda injectable cocaine used in Hispanic communities
Speedball heroin and cocaine; amphetamine
Sporting to inhale cocaine
Squirrel smoking cocaine, marijuana and PCP; LSD
Stardust cocaine, PCP
Star-spangled powder cocaine
Sugar cocaine; LSD; heroin
Sweet stuff heroin; cocaine
synthetic cocaine PCP
T cocaine; marijuana
Tardust cocaine
Teeth cocaine; crack
Thing heroin; cocaine; main drug interest at the moment
Toke to inhale cocaine; to smoke marijuana
Toot cocaine; to inhale cocaine
Torch cooking smoking cocaine base by using a propane or butane torch as a source of flame
Turkey cocaine; amphetamine
Tutti-frutti flavored cocaine developed by a Brazillian gang
White girl cocaine; heroin
White horse cocaine
White lady cocaine; heroin
White mosquito cocaine
White powder cocaine; PCP
Whiz bang cocaine and heroin
Wild cat methcathinone and cocaine
Wings heroin; cocaine
Witch heroin; cocaine
Woolas cigarette laced with cocaine; marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack
Yeyo cocaine, Spanish term
Zip cocaine
primos marijuana cigarette or blunk with crack or powder cocaine
snowcaps cocaine sprinkled over marijuana bong hits
con-con oily cocaine residue

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